Entrepreneurship, innovation, projects and ideas that will become true

Coworking in San Javier

A space adapted to your business

A coworking space in San Javier, Murcia where you can develop your activity and professional growth. With a bright, quiet and very complete environment. Where you can improve your organization, productivity and offer the best service.

Your place, ready to start


Waiting room

The image of your business will be impeccable with all the comforts that you can offer your customers with a waiting room.



Classrooms to take lessons, conferences and talks to larger groups. Fully equipped with double / single desks. White board and marker board included.


Individual Office

You will be able to have your own individual room both to consult, to give individual classes, or to offer any service that requires a more particular treatment.

Meeting Room

You can rent a meeting room with a joint table for small groups. It has a television to connect to an external device and a marker board.

All Coworking services in San Javier

Access the internet at maximum speed, by cable or Wi-Fi

Scan, print and photocopy the documents you need. You only pay for what you print

Hire our virtual switchboard and have your own landline number. Reliability.

Neither cold nor hot. Just the temperature you need at all times in each room.

Paper shredder We take care of all the details so that you feel that you are in your best office.

Your small meeting room, up to 4 people, with whiteboard and everything you need for business

A projector, to the area you want and you will make spectacular presentations.

Different sizes of work tables, chairs and armchairs adapted to your needs

Coffee maker, microwave and refrigerator to have a quiet coffee or snack.

Private offices, alarms or lockers to preserve your belongings.

We also include weekly cleaning of the entire facility.

All the electricity you need is included in your fee.

Coworkium Much more than your workplace

The perfect site for workers such as teachers, personal consultants, photographers, programmers, developers, creatives, designers, engineers or architects. You will be able to choose between several rooms and areas where you can develop your profession.

We are the perfect ally to locate and start your business. A coworking in Murcia perfectly adapted and with all your needs.


You will not miss anything

Our Clients Say

Our clients of the coworking in San Javier are the basis of our company, there is no doubt about that. And we love reading your comments because our main goal is to have happy customers, happy customers. Thanks to all of you who send us your comments every day, thanks for making us never lose motivation.

Follow us on social media to keep up to date with what is happening at Coworkium.

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AUDIDATA SISTEMAS, S.L. es el Responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales del Usuario y le informa de que estos datos se tratarán de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Reglamento (UE)
2016/679, de 27 de abril (GDPR), y la Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre (LOPDGDD), por lo que se le facilita la siguiente información del tratamiento:

Fines y legitimación del tratamiento: mantener una relación comercial (por interés legítimo del responsable, art. 6.1.f GDPR) y envío de comunicaciones de productos o servicios (con el consentimiento del interesado, art. 6.1.a GDPR).

Criterios de conservación de los datos: se conservarán durante no más tiempo del necesario para mantener el fin del tratamiento o existan prescripciones legales que dictaminen su custodia y cuando ya no sea necesario para ello, se suprimirán con medidas de seguridad adecuadas para garantizar la anonimización de los datos o la destrucción total de los mismos.

Comunicación de los datos: no se comunicarán los datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal.
Derechos que asisten al Usuario:
– Derecho a retirar el consentimiento en cualquier momento.
– Derecho de acceso, rectificación, portabilidad y supresión de sus datos, y de limitación u oposición a su tratamiento.
– Derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la Autoridad de control (www.aepd.es) si considera que el tratamiento no se ajusta a la normativa vigente.

Contact information to exercise your rights:
AUDIDATA SISTEMAS, S.L.. C/ Párroco Cristóbal Balaguer, 13, – 30730 San Javier (Murcia). E-mail: [email protected]

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