What is it like to work in Coworking?

como es cowokring

Over the past two decades, the standard office space has been updated, improved and reshaped in an evolution to improve efficiency and employee productivity. One of the most revolutionary changes was the creation of coworking spaces, they started around 2005 and since then they have become very popular among entrepreneurs, startups and remote companies. Coworking spaces are essentially shared spaces with a mix of large tables, private desks, conference rooms, small cafeterias, toilets, and other amenities.

Many people who want to avoid working at home or in a coffee shop choose to work in a coworking space. These spaces are flexible and are ideal for individuals and small teams looking for a collaborative environment in which to work. Using a coworking space is also a great way to save money, since it is possible to rent only what is needed. If you were to choose to rent private office space, the costs would likely be much higher. Keep in mind that most coworking spaces have different pricing models, including daily or monthly fees. The price of a shared desk will also be lower than that of a dedicated office.

 Coworking spaces are growing at a rapid pace today due to the many benefits they provide, as well as the growing freelance economy. 

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Coworking spaces are ideal for individual entrepreneurs, start-ups, freelancers, and individuals who need a space. These rooms offer banks of desks to suit various needs. Also, getting a desk is easy and totally flexible. No long contracts are necessary: ​​just show up with your laptop and the desire to be productive!


Meet new people

As adults, many of us don't get many opportunities to meet new people and make new friends. Of course we have acquaintances -other parents who drop their children off at school, the neighbors we greet when we leave the house at the same time, the food delivery man at home-, but friends? That is another thing, not to mention the friends with whom you can establish a network of contacts.

When the opportunity to make a new friend or two presents itself, it's important to take it. Coworking spaces offer that opportunity. Also, the people you meet in coworking spaces will not all work at the same company as you. That means you can meet new people beyond the office.

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You will feel professional

Coworking is like going to an office every day, only it's much more flexible. You'll need to get up, get dressed, and leave the house, but for many people, these simple acts can go a long way toward productivity. Just commuting from one place to another for work can be enough to put you in a professional frame of mind.

Some people don't like working from home; It just doesn't seem like a job to them. For these people, coworking spaces can be the perfect solution.



Balance between work and private life

Unlike working from home, a coworking space allows workers to leave their work outside the home. A remote worker can easily fall into the trap of crawling into their study to type one more email, write one more spreadsheet, make one more phone call…and that's not good. Once the work day is over, it should be done. If you go to a coworking space to do your work, it is much easier to disconnect from work at the end of the day.

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